Ontem dei uma entrevista para falar sobre escudos para o Marco Zanni da Radio CBN-SP e ele me fez relembrar um episódio que ocorreu a 9 anos atras envolvendo a Soccer Logos e amigos colaboradores da Servia e de paises ligados a Kosovo, como no caso a Albânia.
Fucei e achei dois, um email enviado pelo servio assim como a resposta de meu amigo italiano e ligado a Albania, Giovanni, repasso a vcs pq e incrivel como as vezes o futebol se mistura com outras coisas.
Para entenderem, na epoca colocamos Kosovo como um "pais" separado da Servia o que de fato não é oficialmente, ainda é até hoje um territorio da Servia, mas no caso o que nos interessava era a organização dos clubes e por isso separamos,deu uma confusão enorme recebemos varios emails contra e a favor e por fim resolvemos colocar Kosovo de novo dentro da Servia até a separação oficial se viesse a ocorrer.Abaixo dois emails da epoca, esta em ingles quem quiser pode traduzir nessa pagina
EMAIL DO SERVIOMon Jun 24, 2002 6:08 am
> "my name is Pantelija, and I'm from Serbia
> (but, temporary in
> Sweden). Your site is very good, but there is a one
> BIG mistake there.
> Actually, it's about that you are putting "Kosovo"
> in separate file, and
> that's, of course, a BIG BIG MISTAKE! You shouldn't
> play with such a things!
> That is exactlly same thing if I say that, for
> example, State of Rio de
> Janeiro is independent, and do not belong to
> Brazil!
> There is no independence there.
> It' was war, yes! But it was because Albanian people
> in Kosovo wants to
> separate. Temporary, there is United Nations keeping
> peace, but there is no
> way of any kind of independence there. I hope that
> you'lle understand, and I
> think that You just didn't know what's actually
> going on. I don't want to
> believe that's a kind of political provocation in
> Your website.
> Kosovo is a part of Serbia!
> Correct your mistake, please!
> Put Kosovo Clubs in 'Yugoslavia file' again!"
Consultei meu amigo GiovanniDear Eduardo,
if the Brazil Central State decided to exterminate the
13 millions and plus of inhabitants of Rio de Janeiro
State because Cariocas are an inferior race, my friend
Eduardo Cacella what would he tell? The NATO would it
tell? The ONU would he tell? Public international
opinion would he tell? The etic of all the world would
tell a word sole: GENOCIDE!!!!!!!!
Dear Eduardo, Kosova nowadays is an ONU protectorate,
and its former and formal head Hitler-Miloševic' is in
In the end of things you are the owner of your very
good site of football logos. Do how you want!
But I send this e-mail to hundrends of my Albanian
friends, and - as Albanians (I'm an Italian) - they
will answer better mine to your serious, and also
diplomatic, dilemma.
Your friend